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Marie-Christine Zupancic
"Marie-Christine Zupancic-CBSO principal flautist-was the highly accomplished and serene soloist in the concerto. Her tone was pure and elegantly expressive throughout her range, with each note-even in the fastest passagework-articulated so as to be meaningful. Zupancic delivered coolly virtuosic cadenzas, but even more striking was the way in which she invested the sections in the minor mode with a heart-wrenching beauty. This depth of feeling in turn allowed the flowing lyricism of the finale to assume added grace. A 'magic flute' concerto indeed."
Rian Evans,
(Mozart Flute Concerto in G-major, K313, November 2010 Symphony Hall, Birmingham, CBSO, Nelsons)
"Though we scarcely need reminding, Tuesday's concert was an example of the strength the CBSO can boast in its section principals. Here it was the turn of Marie-Christine Zupancic to shine, as soloist in Nielsen's quirky Flute Concerto. Stunning in a beautifully fitted electric-blue gown, she responded adroitly to the work's blend of the pastoral and the pert, withdrawing into self-searching ruminations which are so characteristic of the composer, and delivering amazing subtleties of colour and timbre across the octaves of her instrument's registers."
Christopher Morley, Birmingham Post
(Nielsen Flute Concerto, Symphony Hall, July 2009, Birmingham, CBSO, Søndergard)
"The flautist Marie-Christine Zupancic has certainly made an impact since joining the CBSO three years ago. Stepping forward into the soloist's spot she dazzled us with a virtuoso display in Ibert's Flute Concerto. A contemporary of Ravel, Ibert is equally tuneful and playful but also occasionally quirky:this well-crafted work certainly merited a hearing. Right from the off the composer throws down a challenge to the soloist- and here was one who was adept at responding. Whether executing a flashy cadenza, refined and delicate playing over muted strings or a meditative duet with first violin, Zupancic was impressive."
Norman Stichcombe, Birmingham Post
(Ibert Flute Concerto, Symphony Hall, April 2008 Birmingham, CBSO, Spano)
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